What You Bump Into
What You Bump Into
“Sculpture is ...”
The reality being that despite sculpture’s penchant for taking up space, our world would be a less interesting place if everything were just two-dimensional – including us. We have brains built for a 3-D environment, and whatever we look at that is 2-D we try to interpret as 3. Excuse me, Mr. Newman, but which is in what’s way?
My Sculpture
My Thoughts
I have bumped into my own work in various ways: literally tripping over it as it blocks my movement through space in my overcrowded house; bumping into it in a figurative way, over time, learning to see it with new eyes – revisiting and getting reacquainted with my own thinking; and the big bump – as in bump in the road – as an artist having a critical dialogue with one’s oeuvre and questioning one’s direction, especially during a hiatus or road block.
I am hoping, also, that you, out there, will bump into my work, too, since this is some kind of gallery for viewing and assessing – for you and for me.
Probasco Haus Press
copyright © 2009 Probasco Haus Press LLC